On Landscape Magazine, Issue 159, May 2018

I have a full length feature in issue 159 of On Landscape magazine where I talk about my new project, creating another volume of landscape photographs accompanied by Gaelic poems. The project is called Luinneagan, the mournful songs of the mountains and involves journeying through the Scottish highlands on the trail of the mythical Ùraisg, accompanying my photographs with Gaelic tanka poems which I call Luinneagan. This project expands on my book of photographs and Gaelic haiku poems and allows me to explore the connections between Gaelic mythology and the mountain environment in short sonnet form and photographs.

As a bonus, the magazine used my photograph of a local tree on the Isle of Skye as the cover and which also features in the book with an accompanying luinneag poem.

You need a subscription to read my article but the magazine is worth the price and has lots of wonderful photography writing. You can read my On Landscape article here.